Here's nativephp/laravel v0.6.2 and nativephp/electron v0.8.5
The main focus of these releases is performance improvement and stability. Please check the release notes for the details and links to PRs.
`composer update` and enjoy!
`nativephp/electron v0.8.4` has been released 🎉
This fixes a few issues discovered in the ChildProcesses component - making it more reliable - and also fixes production builds, which had broken in the move to consolidating the Electron plugin package into nativephp/electron.
If you're already running `"nativephp/electron": "^0.8"` then all you'll need is a `composer update`
(Nice bit of accidental Monday rhyme for y'all)
`composer native:dev` is here 🔥
when you update to the latest version of nativephp/electron (0.8.3), re-run `php artisan native:install` (it's safe to do repeatedly), and you'll get the command added to your composer.json