
Hi all, I'm building a little app and to motivate myself I decided to talk about it here to summon public shame if I abandon it.

It's a @nativephp based cross-desktop application with a spotlight/raycast like function.
For the moment is closed source as I need to finish a working product first, but I plan to make it open source i the future.
The app it's gonna be built with Livewire Volt, Nativephp and MaryUI for the ui framework.
Here's a little photo of it, Ui is WIP.
#OpenSource #BuildInPublic #Livewire #Volt



In response to @danielpetrica

Working with files is hard, took me an embarrassing amount of time find a good way of implementing it in my app. In the end thanks to sqlite, and laravel jobs I managed to put togheter something that feels instantaneous when searching. Now al files indexing is done in background using jobs and I search the files on a database table with all the power of sql like query so I can match partial names. also files are inserted as they're found so even the slow indexing I can still provide some results


  • No matching results...
  • Searching...

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