
Huge breakthrough! πŸš€πŸ”₯

What if you could run a cross-platform PHP CLI app without installing PHP? 🀯

Turns out, you totally can! By embedding PHP & your code and wrapping it with Golang, it's now possible.

This is insanely cool. Check out the proof of concept

1 β€’ β€’


In response to @gwleuverink

As of right now the PoC compiles for Mac arm only.

Because it uses @nativephp static binaries & Golang under the hood this could totally cross-compile for most common architectures out there πŸ”₯

This can enable some really cool stuff. Like
Laravel Zero without having PHP on your user's machine πŸš€

Think of all the awesome devtools we could make with this πŸ‘€

β€’ β€’



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