
Stellify is now in Beta! I'm sending invites out but I'm happy for anyone that's interested to give it a try and share their thoughts!



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Looks like a cloud IDE:



Hi Peter, it is indeed an IDE however, when coding, you're creating configuration behind the scenes that makes it very easy to perform say, blanket updates to targeted elements or statements of code (even individual clauses within a statement, it's very granular behind the scenes). The Laravel application that you're building upon is also centrally managed, albeit entirely customisable (where customisation is appropriate and secure). So it's more than just "an IDE". It's eventually going to be a very nice way to develop original, high quality, highly maintainable applications upon the Laravel framework. That's the goal and I hope that's of interest to you. Best wishes, Matthew.



It sounds fancy - (sorry to sound critical: context- I'm not a Laravel expert so it's likely my ignorance)

I'm not sure the value prop. Maybe:

> "It removes the need to install/ maintain packages, as this is taken care of centrally. This allows you to focus solely on development/ maintenance of the application you’re working on (not to mention the security benefits of centralised updating and testing of core services)."

is a big issue that I just haven't had issues with.


I wonder if there's an interactive POC that could help me understand.

PPS: I'm having the same issues with Audio Brevity - I love it and need it but people come, say "oh, okay, that's cool but what problem does it solve" and then leave so I'm thinking about this type of "marketing" at the moment as well.



It's absolutely the case that there are web developers that will not see the value in what I've set out there. That's not to say that Stellify isn't for you/ them particularly if they work with Laravel (it is just Laravel in the cloud after all) but that particular benefit I've set out doesn't address a problem they're experiencing at this present moment in time.

Personally, I don't have any issues understanding the problem Audio Brevity solves. It strikes me as a really useful tool and on that basis it's possibly just a case of reconsidering where your target market exists or widening your net when it comes to getting feedback. How many people in total have you put it in front of?



RE: Stellify => I'm a bit of a hands on learner - I should probably use it more to get my head around the use-cases and see where it rocks my world. (I just created an account and will play with it a bit tonight)

RE: Audio Brevity => Not many... a few hundred at best so my sample size is super small. I'm working on a some polish, a new landing page, and then I'm going to do some ads.

I also want to look at the deaf community as I think it could offer some serious value there, too, and I'd be curious if that's a niche I could lean into.