
Peter Ramsing



Tech leader at an AI consulting company by day, Laravel and side-project enthusiast by night. Husband and dad to double twins and single always.

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In response to @nunomaduro

I'd be curious the goals of the project as that influences the monetization strategy. If it's to get big and keep many salaries going plus more that's going to be a different strategy vs leaning on open source engineering and keeping enough cash to keep the lights on, rainy day fund, and pay for salaries/hourly as they are needed.

I think @nicbvs is on to something for getting started => pay for "fun" features, not functional ones similar to "boosts" in Discord.

All that said, I think there is one thing I've noticed about this community => they're willing to pay for great things.

<this is a good reminder to go and sponsor this project>
<jumps to GitHub>


I'm anxiously awaiting the delivery truck for my first "not original" set of Cherry MX switches for my ZSA Moonlander... Now that I'm sharing my office with my wife I'm trying out the Speed Silver switches vs my Browns....

Am I becoming a keyboard person? Oh Uh.
<glances over the edge of this slippery slope>



In response to @mattstellisoft

RE: Stellify => I'm a bit of a hands on learner - I should probably use it more to get my head around the use-cases and see where it rocks my world. (I just created an account and will play with it a bit tonight)

RE: Audio Brevity => Not many... a few hundred at best so my sample size is super small. I'm working on a some polish, a new landing page, and then I'm going to do some ads.

I also want to look at the deaf community as I think it could offer some serious value there, too, and I'd be curious if that's a niche I could lean into.