
Joao Patricio


Hey there 🙌

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In response to @simonhamp

Hey all!

@simonhamp I think your suggestions works just fine, in regard to caching.
To make it more beautiful, I would extract the logic to a Class, on a static method, or bound to the Servicecontainer.

I think I understand @MrPunyapal

This probably could be done at the `.env` level.

I think we should materialize to better understand.
I'll start with something:
A config URL, and something related to a domain.

Instead of doing this at config level, maybe at env level:

Have more sophisticated examples?

1 • •



PHP/Laravel Playgrounds/Sandboxes is open-source and it will be self-hostable!

I'll even try to stay away from Docker so anyone can easily do that!

• •

