
Pankaj Aagjal



β€’ 27 Posts β€’ 231 Views

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The official Laravel boilerplate is minimalistic by design, offering developers flexibility while leaving many foundational decisions up to them.

Considering that, I'm launching a boilerplate that bridges this gap β€” providing a pre-configured, best-practice-driven strong foundation for your projects.

Check it out: github.com/laralaunch/the-boilerplate

Feedback and contributions are welcome!

#Laravel #Boilerplate

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Serverless sounds fascinating, but it comes with considerations. Do not migrate applications to serverless just by looking at runtime environment costs. Explore options for database, storage, cache, and session as well.

#Laravel #Deployment

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In my opinion, practically, the testing paradigm (e2e < feature < unit) doesn't fit well with Laravel applications.

Feature tests better check ins and outs of your application. They're really handy when you're upgrading, refactoring the codebase, or adding/modifying features β€” even if you’re not familiar with the application.

If you've limited resources, I would suggest just focus on writing efficient and sufficient feature tests. There's no point in adding unit tests for the code that is already covered by feature tests.

I believe unit tests can be added later once feature tests are in place, but vice versa seems more difficult.

#Laravel #UnitVsFeatureTests

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