
Pankaj Aagjal



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The official Laravel boilerplate is minimalistic by design, offering developers flexibility while leaving many foundational decisions up to them.

Considering that, I'm launching a boilerplate that bridges this gap — providing a pre-configured, best-practice-driven strong foundation for your projects.

Check it out: github.com/laralaunch/the-boilerplate

Feedback and contributions are welcome!

#Laravel #Boilerplate


In my opinion, practically, the testing paradigm (e2e < feature < unit) doesn't fit well with Laravel applications.

Feature tests better check ins and outs of your application. They're really handy when you're upgrading, refactoring the codebase, or adding/modifying features — even if you’re not familiar with the application.

If you've limited resources, I would suggest just focus on writing efficient and sufficient feature tests. There's no point in adding unit tests for the code that is already covered by feature tests.

I believe unit tests can be added later once feature tests are in place, but vice versa seems more difficult.

#Laravel #UnitVsFeatureTests


Frameworks are built to make your job quicker. Don't try to over-engineer with fancy things. One day, you'll regret. Stick to the defaults, build features faster, and make the business happy!


StackOverflow was my go-to before ChatGPT. These days, I honestly can't recall the last time I visited StackOverflow 🥲