
Freek Van der Herten



Laravel developer at Spatie

6 Answers 453 views

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You mentioned on that "Laravel-permissions is our most popular package, yet we never use it ourselves." This raises curiosity: How do you manage permissions in the large projects you develop?

Laravel permission is an excellent choice if you need dynamic permissions. As in: an admin should be able to create a type of permission.

For our projects, we don't need that. We know ahead of time which permissions are needed. In that case, using Laravel's standard authorization features is good enough, We mainly do checks using policies.




I was reading your article on 'Refactoring to actions'. Whats your opinion on rules in the form request vs the action?

There's something to be said for both cases.

Validation in form requests is to make sure that user input has a valid structure (for example: an email has the right format). Validation in actions is mostly to check business rules (is this specific email adres valid for this specific actions).

There's indeed a big grey area here.




Hello Freek!

What would be minimum requirements if you want to hire a new developer at Spatie?

The only hard requirements are knowledge of Dutch and that you are able to be present in our office 2 or 3 times a week. We believe these two points are important for our company culture.

When hiring somebody, I usually not focus on hard skills, but more on soft skills and passion. If you have those, there's a high chance that there is potential to fit in our team.

I also wrote a bit on this topic on my blog:


Hi Freek, what is your number one piece of advice for someone who wants to put an open-source package on Github?

Great question! Create a package that you are going to use yourself. This way your motivated to make something that works well, and maintain it in the long run 👍