Just released Alpine AJAX v0.12 with two handy new target modifiers `target.back` and `target.away`.
Coincidentally, Laravel v12 was released today, so get v12 and v0.12 and get shippin'!

Award-losing web developer & visual artist at Moonbase Labs. He/Him.
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Just released Alpine AJAX v0.12 with two handy new target modifiers `target.back` and `target.away`.
Coincidentally, Laravel v12 was released today, so get v12 and v0.12 and get shippin'!
For anyone excited about Laracon talks (me) and looking to pregame, I just recorded a 30min talk on how I build apps using Alpine AJAX.
It's the easiest way to add modern interactivity to a standard MVC-style Laravel project.
Just released an update for Alpine AJAX that makes it even easier to work with Laravel's form validation out of the box.
Alpine AJAX is seriously the easiest way to add Livewire-like interactivity to a standard MVC-style Laravel app! Check it out: alpine-ajax.js.org
For sure! One of the project goals is for Alpine AJAX to pair well with any backend stack really, I know it gets some use in the Django world too.