
Jon Purvis


Engineering Lead. PHP Developer. Eater of Chicken. Gamer of Games. Collector of ElePHPants. Creator of Faker Stripe, Laravel Uninspire and Saloon Lawman.

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This weekend was a fun one. Started working on a package on Friday night, finished it off on Saturday afternoon and also launched it on Saturday!

Introducing Profanify, a Profanity checker for PestPHP! Profanify makes it super easy to check your application for Profanity. In fact, you can do it in just a couple of lines!



Just tagged v1.4 of Profanify for PestPHP 🥳

This is such a fun package to work on and has already had contributors bring in their own ideas to it! Soon, it’ll have support for Italian!

I’d love for some more apps to take it for a test drive!




Fantastic day for Profanify, the Profanity Checker for PestPHP!

It's now had various updates from other contributors which I'm really pleased about. Some of the contributions I would've never thought to do, it makes me happy people are using the package!

If you haven't yet checked it out, you can find the repo below. Feel free to take it for a spin and let me know how much profanity is in your codebase! 😃