
Lukas Heller


I code and break things. Mostly Laravel-based apps - with a touch of Vue.js and some Golang projects.

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I am currently working on a self-hosted fundraising/crowdfunding application built with TALL stack and powered by Stripe. We are aiming to make it open source. I'm curious - is this something that would be of interest to anyone?



I am currently working on a self-hosted fundraising/crowdfunding application built with TALL stack and powered by Stripe. We are aiming to make it open source. I'm curious - is this something that would be of interest to anyone?



I’d say it’s more geared towards helping charities or non-profit organizations (in theory) raise funds. But in the form of "crowdfunding" campaigns, similar to Kickstarter or Indigogo.


Anyone here having experience hosting a Nuxt.js website on a DO droplet with 8GB of RAM and still quite often running out of memory? At least that's what Forge's memory monitoring keeps telling me....



Seems overpowered right? I’m not very experienced with hosting node apps on a VPS - just scaled the droplet up to check if the issues continues. Normally I’d use one with 2GB for a standard laravel / php website and almost never run into any problems.

This droplet however hosts two node apps - a Nuxt.js website with server side rendering and an instance of Strapi CMS. And as I said, the memory consumption is just off the roof…



How many of you are exclusively active here on Pinkary and not (or not anymore) on Twitter/X?



Model::preventLazyLoading(...) is the most important line for a Laravel app in development.
Just recently I made an old website project 200% faster by enabling this function and discovering a single bad query that was executed while the framework was booting.