


Senior PHP Developer and Founder of MirrorLog.com

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In response to @aniket

The get() method is really useful, but it might not always be the best choice for your queries.

Here's why:
- The select() method is more flexible. You can chain other query methods easily.
- It's clearer to read, especially for complex queries.
- Using select() allows for better query optimization in some cases.

When to choose between select() and get() methods:
- Use get(['columns']) for quick, simple queries.
- Stick with select() for complex queries or when you need to chain methods.

I just wrote a more detailed article on this www.mirrorlog.com/laravel-query-optimization-choosing-between-select-and-get


In response to @bruno

Thank you @bruno, I have already Identified the root cause and it's javascript and images.

I have already started working on fixing it.

When I'm done, I'll write an article about how I fixed it on my page on MirrorLog and share the link here


Started working on my app (MirrorLog.com) performance.

Originally built it with plain @php, but I switched everything to @laravelphp and put it on a Digital Ocean server.
Trying to get it to green by next Monday.

Already did some stuff to make the scripts smaller and faster:
Used webpack optimization like tree shaking and minification, reducing the bundle size by removing unused code and minimizing the remaining code.
Removed other scripts I don't need

Any ideas on how to make even faster (make it green)?
The 2 images in the comment shows how it started VS how it's going.