Hey filament developers, Is it possible to achieve this? If yes then i'll be happy to know how 🙌
How each work in this situation? Why there is no parenthesis?
public function handle(): void
User::where('email_verified_at', null)
->where('updated_at', '<', now()->subDay())
->whereDoesntHave('links', function (Builder $query): void {
$query->where('created_at', '<', now()->subDay());
->whereDoesntHave('questionsSent', function (Builder $query): void {
$query->where('created_at', '<', now()->subDay());
->whereDoesntHave('questionsReceived', function (Builder $query): void {
$query->where('created_at', '<', now()->subDay());
Tip of the day: The Null Coalescing Assignment Operator (??=)