
Hi all, I'm building a little app and to motivate myself I decided to talk about it here to summon public shame if I abandon it.

It's a @nativephp based cross-desktop application with a spotlight/raycast like function.
For the moment is closed source as I need to finish a working product first, but I plan to make it open source i the future.
The app it's gonna be built with Livewire Volt, Nativephp and MaryUI for the ui framework.
Here's a little photo of it, Ui is WIP.
#OpenSource #BuildInPublic #Livewire #Volt



Thank you but it's not repost worthy yet 😅 If you want to try it I can add you to the github repo. But so far is useless.


The Blade system of @laravelphp, along with Livewire/VOLT, is incredibly versatile. I successfully developed a mini-plugin system that allows me to load components from the local storage driver. In the long run, users will have the ability to download or create their own plugins as single-file VOLT components.