I published the beta release of Inertia Modal 🔥
For now, it's just the Vue version. Next week, I'll release the React version. You can find the repo, docs, and examples in the posts below 👇
Pascal Baljet
Full-stack Laravel developer and open-source enthusiast. Building software at Protone Media.
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Fixed an issue in Inertia Modal where it would lose the current session on modals with a base route. It was a tricky one! The EncryptCookies middleware was running twice and nullified the cookies on the second run 😅
Just a little bit more testing and then I'll tag v1.0 🚀
Inertia Table has had support for Exports from the beginning, but the next release will include support for queued exports! Will probably be released in the next few days 🚀
Dose Inerita Table is working with vueitfy project with inertia will not effect design ?
Should be no problem, but you need Tailwind 3.4+ and their forms plugin:
For the last ten years or so, I have always used a desktop Mac and had a MacBook for on the road and 'just in case'. But last week, I went MacBook-only, and I'm not disappointed 😅
I've used a dual setup because I liked that I could go to my desk without having to worry about bringing, connecting, and bringing back my MacBook. Also, before Apple Silicon, there was a bigger performance gap. I'm not sure that the benefits outweigh the downsides anymore.
The difference between ShouldBeUnique and WithoutOverlapping in #Laravel queues? 💡
ShouldBeUnique doesn't queue a job when another instance is queued/running. WithoutOverlapping queues the job but checks for uniqueness before processing and can release the job 👌
The WithoutOverlapping middleware can be configured to either not release the job or to release it after some time. You can also customize the lock key ⬇️
(somebody on 🦋 asked for examples)
An example of ShouldBeUnique may be generating a report of last year's data. Even if the user clicks multiple times, there's no need to push another job to the queue because the outcome will always be the same.
An example of WithoutOverlapping may be a User model that syncs with a third-party CRM. You only want one job at a time (maybe to prevent hitting API limits) but still want to queue subsequent jobs, as the model has likely changed, and you want to push the latest data to the CRM.