
I understand Pinkary isn't meant to replace major social networks, but it has some blind spots that should be addressed.

Recently, we've seen multiple posts from an enthusiastic user, and the newsfeed algorithm prevents this person from freely creating content on their Pinkary page without flooding the global feed.

Since Pinkary also serves as a link repository (similar to Linktree), it would be valuable to let users post content or snippets without overwhelming others when someone simply wants to build their profile.

How could we improve the app to enable free content creation without impacting everyone else, while still preserving user enthusiasm and creativity?

Some ideas:

- Improve feed to show less posts from the same users in a row
- Separating profile posts from feed posts
- Adding content visibility settings
- Letting users customize their feed content
- Creating dedicated spaces for different content types
- Prevent the creation of too many posts in short time



Hey @rtrudel although I agree with you, beauty of pinkary is it's open source. Communities can always extend functionality. Being laravel powered makes it quite easy to customize!

There are some other missing features to promote relationships and interests that would be a beauty to implement:
- See who liked your posts and promote interaction with those people (like @rtrudel liked your post, thank him - and would link to a reply to promote engagement)
- Language processing to filter by topics and trending topics (harder but doable)
- Thread leaderboard - show a list of trending threads that are getting attention
- Artifacts sharing - quite like Claude, having the possibility to share snippets/files, as this is community has lots of developers
- Follow threads to be notified of replies

Thing is pinkary is more like a linktree alternative, so these would take away the focus from its core features I guess.



In response to @diogogpinto

I understand it would be possible for someone to adapt Pinkary's code before using it as a foundation for their social network to add their own features. And that's what's great about Laravel - it would indeed be possible to add packages. But for the core, the base system, out-of-the-box perhaps certain features should be there by default?

For example, some personal settings regarding what we want to see on the default page. @nunomaduro suggested potentially changing the default view to display "Following" which would be a good idea except for people who follow few users and newcomers. Maybe a user preference?

And indeed, blocking and/or muting users would certainly be a must, to prevent further episodes of flooding by any hyperactive and ultra-motivated user, or let's hope this never happens, spammers.

It's a delicate balance between keeping the platform lightweight and adding basic features...


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