
I'm looking to learn how to create a Single Page Application (SPA) using Laravel, but I'm a bit unsure whether I should start with Laravel Inertia or Livewire. I would really appreciate any advice on which approach might be better suited for a beginner in SPA development.
Thank you!



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I’m fairly new to Laravel and have been loving Livewire :)
If you have familiar with either of the out of the box inertia options (React / Vue), you may be more comfortable with that, but I think Livewire compresses the things you need to learn, which is excellent and productive


I am a fan of Livewire for its productivity approach but honestly if your main focus is on a SPA it is better to go by inertia, Livewire can be seen more as a hybrid option between a spa and an SSR.

If you have more details about the project's functions, I can help you make the decision.


For an SPA, definitely go Inertia. I wouldn’t call Livewire an SPA library.



I mean, the whole point with Livewire is that you can deliver an SPA-like experience without having to write more JS. So it not being an SPA library is not really a pro/con here.

The real question is the purpose for building this project and overall learning & delivery goals.

Want more career/project experience with tech that gets you hired? Use Inertia (probably with React as that usually has more jobs than Vue).

Want to build fast and avoid touching Javascript too much? Client needs something that gets the job done instead of having specific tech & UX requirements? Livewire is a great bet.


For internal tools like admin panels use Inertia, for websites like eCommerce use Livewire.



Errrrrr, I'd really REALLY say the opposite.

Filament is legitimately one of the best panel tools out there right now, and much easier to work with than Nova and alternatives.


If you're familiar more with front end technologies like vue.js/react.js then just choose inertia

But if you're not, you can choose working with livewire as it don't require much knowledge, you have just to know the basics


Thank you all for the response. This will help me to decide the stack.