
Bas de Groot


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What would you, from experience, consider a >large< database query response? 1MB, smaller, bigger?

Asking for a friend.


ArangoDB is a multimodel db, which stores json documents.
That makes it possible to setup Eloquent relations for lists of id's, pivot objects (or morph objects with type/id).

What would be a good name for such relationships?

I found a package that does this for json fields within regular sql databases but that seems to just tag json to the regular names.
A solution that doesn't sit right with me.

My current thinking is something like:

I'm not a native English speaker, so I'd love to hear semantically better name options. Any thoughts?


While on the topic:
The Arangodb - @laravelphp driver recently got received some nice updates:

- Support for index field properties (for inverted indexes).
- Support for multidimensional indexes.
- Improved clarity of createAnalyzer/replaceAnalyzer.
- Support for Schema::hasIndex()