
Laravel developers, do you think one of the config files can be dependent on another config file? 🤔



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Do you intend to use a config value from one file in one of the other files?

If so, I'd avoid this. You won't be able to use the `config` helper and maybe you'll even struggle to use the config manager at all from the container

Timing is also an issue - afaik configs aren't explicitly loaded in a specific order

You could `require/include` one file inside the other:

$appConfig = require __DIR__."/app.php";

return [
'new_key' => $appConfig['key'];

But you still won't have the conveniences of the config helper, so it's pretty ugly

Also, I'm not sure if that will play nicely with config caching

Generally, I would avoid this. Perhaps even consider it a smell, because you're essentially duplicating a config value - try to get to the root of why you're reaching for that as a solution and you may find that there's a more fundamental solution to the problem you're having



Hey all!

@simonhamp I think your suggestions works just fine, in regard to caching.
To make it more beautiful, I would extract the logic to a Class, on a static method, or bound to the Servicecontainer.

I think I understand @MrPunyapal

This probably could be done at the `.env` level.

I think we should materialize to better understand.
I'll start with something:
A config URL, and something related to a domain.

Instead of doing this at config level, maybe at env level:

Have more sophisticated examples?