Working at Pinkary changed my coding habits:
I now write code without constantly checking Pint, Rector, PHPStan (Level 9), type coverage, or tests with code coverage. 🤞
Yet, 90% of the time, everything passes flawlessly on the first try. 🤌
Documentation is the best place to learn this.
also it's nothing different, you only need to configure it initially, then start analyzing it. phpstan will show you errors according to rule level., then you need to fix those type hinting issues in your code.
in many-to-many relationships. There doesn't seem to be a type safe way of accessing `->pivot`
phpstan shows the following error
In response to @MrPunyapal
Any good resource on learning phpstan for Laravel? Seems like there’s nothing out there.
Documentation is the best place to learn this.
also it's nothing different, you only need to configure it initially, then start analyzing it. phpstan will show you errors according to rule level., then you need to fix those type hinting issues in your code.
To add to this, use the larastan/larastan package to help it understand Laravel better.
I read through the docs but I kept running into issues with Laravel specific magic stuff, especially on higher levels
I’ll be combing through the Pinkary code. I bet that’ll be the better “docs”.
One of the Laravel issues I've found is with
in many-to-many relationships. There doesn't seem to be a type safe way of accessing `->pivot`
phpstan shows the following error
Access to an undefined property App\Models\Comment::$pivot.