
Chrispian H Burks


Sr. Web App Developer - I tweet about software engineering Previously: Multiple failed startups. Botched book deal. Mentioned in Time Magazine - about fanfic.

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Any Laravel friends run into out of memory errors after a deployment and truncating sessions table fixes it?


I don't know who needs to hear this but your Black Friday subscriptions from last year are about to renew.



@FinalAsgard I mostly subscribe to a few dev related tools or continued learning. My 1Password is about to renew, for example.


Like I don't have enough side projects already but I've had the itch to run a bbs again for a while now. It was was so much fun in the late 80s / early 90s and I think I have a killer name for it. And domain, of course!. Plus it'll make me run linux and dos emulator.


Spent a couple days trying to track down a bug that took like 5 minutes to fix once we saw what was happening and where it was happening. This is how it goes sometimes.



Gonna try to get this bug sorted out today. I've got another launch coming up in December and that should be my last major one for a little while. Though I suspect I'll be helping on another one for Microsoft and Amazon. Got a meeting about that one tomorrow. It's an API wrapper for Salesforce. We don't allow anyone to connect directly to any of our products/services. It also provides a nice layer of abstraction in case anything gets swapped out.

You working on anything fun this week?



The bug I've been searching for for a few days turns out to be a data error. Sometimes it takes a while to prove it.