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What’s your favorite tool for webscraping in PHP?



In response to @MrPunyapal

Thank you Punyapal. The thing is… can you target livewire/update being a post route overriding cors middleware and livewire’s internal checksum check?

I mean they were using a Guzzle client targeting the route directly.

If so, then the route should be auth protected meaning you couldn’t use livewire component in a public page.

Also that using livewire is a big liability.



In response to @danielpetrica

Thank you Andrei. Yes it can be made with cloudflare. But what I do is that I go deep into nginx access log, copy the offending IPs and block them via firewall and also a silly global middleware that checks IPs and if in my list, they get redirected anywhere else.

I also checked in an IP address lookup service and all offending IPs are from datacenters in Belgium, Germany, Finland, SFO... so definitely automated and as far as I'm concerned, blocked forever 😂