In Laravel, how would one encrypt email address of users? Like, it should be only be decrypted by users credentials e.g password etc (which only he knows). But then question arise, how would then app send important emails to that user..?
For some reasons, I cannot get the model in blade, even though route model binding is set in the model to 'slug' key, but in the blade I just get the string of slug, but not model. In Livewire component, I did set public Post $post. Do I need to explicitly pass it to view via render() ?
When I do the following in the Component, it dumps the empty instance of the Post model.
final class Post extends Component
//public Post $post;
public function render(Post $post): View
return view('');
@MrPunyapal By defining Vite's `prefetch` method in `AppServiceProvider` will it improve the page loading and switching tab even more in Pinkary?
public function boot(): void
Vite::prefetch(concurrency: 3);
For the first time ever, Laravel News was not news for me. Because of Pinkary 😍