
Not gonna lie... I might rejoin the VSCode group soon.

PHPStorm is great, but... just feels so sluggish for what I get out of it.

The incoming VSC Laravel extension will likely be a great Laravel IDEA equivalent, and with some decent extension setup and better keybindings VSC can achieve most of the same functionality as the rest of PHPStorm.

Especially if you're used to using the CLI for things like git, tests, etc.

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In response to @ozdemiru

Memory leaks of Java apps like Jetbrains products drive me crazy too 🙃

IMO there's no way to win with most apps these days except by restarting them regularly.

For my own reasons I ended up on an M1 MBP mostly for battery life, and the CPU does excellently most of the time, but Jetbrains slows to a crawl at times (especially when I'm in a hurry!).

I also like experimenting with different ways of working, "smaller" tools, etc.

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In response to @NikSpyratos

It's funny that I'm having the same problem on VScode and not in phpstorm 😂

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