
Ryan Chandler


Software Developer. Maker of Things.

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What is your favorite package in Laravel?

Great question! I'm a big fan of Horizon, just for the simplicity and ease of use.

The runner up has to be Livewire. That's my bread and butter.




what are your thoughts on leptos.dev ?

I've never tried Leptos – most of the Rust work I do is system based, not web based.


Because of your Twitter handle, I always read your name as Ryang. Is it okay if I call you Ryang, Ryang?

Funny, I've always read your name as Kaisassnowski. Is it okay if I call you Kaisassnowski, Kaisassnowski?




What should be the purpose for learning Rust?
What are the real life stuff I can build with it

Excellent question. You can build anything and everything with Rust!

It's quite popular in the blockchain/crypto world (not my cup of tea personally). People have built entire operating systems, programming language compilers & interpreters. People build web services with Rust (Cloudflare are well known for using Rust on their servers).

Want to write some "blazingly fast" command-line apps? You can do that with Rust!