What is your favorite package in Laravel?
Great question! I'm a big fan of Horizon, just for the simplicity and ease of use.
The runner up has to be Livewire. That's my bread and butter.
What is your favorite package in Laravel?
Great question! I'm a big fan of Horizon, just for the simplicity and ease of use.
The runner up has to be Livewire. That's my bread and butter.
does laravel create strict tables for SQLite by default? 🤔
(Just read first 10 lines of your latest blog)
what are your thoughts on leptos.dev ?
I've never tried Leptos – most of the Rust work I do is system based, not web based.
Because of your Twitter handle, I always read your name as Ryang. Is it okay if I call you Ryang, Ryang?
Funny, I've always read your name as Kaisassnowski. Is it okay if I call you Kaisassnowski, Kaisassnowski?
What should be the purpose for learning Rust?
What are the real life stuff I can build with it
Excellent question. You can build anything and everything with Rust!
It's quite popular in the blockchain/crypto world (not my cup of tea personally). People have built entire operating systems, programming language compilers & interpreters. People build web services with Rust (Cloudflare are well known for using Rust on their servers).
Want to write some "blazingly fast" command-line apps? You can do that with Rust!