Don’t trust user input!
Don’t trust user input!
And one more for good measure…
Don’t trust user input! #Security
Security Tip: Parameterise your Parameter Names!
(aka yet another example for why you should Never Trust User Input!) #Security
We talk a lot about keeping our app dependencies updated, but we can't forget our tools like Composer also need updates too!
Let's take a look at a vulnerability discovered in Composer back in February as an example of why this is so important!
Did you know Laravel's URL validator lets you control which protocols you accept?
My recommendation is to require HTTPS-only if possible, or limit it to only HTTP and HTTPS if you don't need special links. #Security
As useful as it sounds, nl2br() can potentially leave you open to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities... you should reach for CSS instead! #Security